Game Development Portfolio
As a solo indie game developer, I design, code, draw, model, animate and create music for all of my projects. I chiefly work in Unity, though I have some experience with Unreal 5 and Godot as well. Work showcased below! Unless specified otherwise, all assets in the below projects were created by me.
Status: Available on Steam
A simple physics-based puzzle game about knocking down blocks with a tank in as few shots as possible.
Physics-based puzzles
30 levels
3-star scores for each level
Steam Deck Verified
One More Dungeon
Status: In development
A mobile dungeon crawler. Level up multiple characters, choose the right character for the right dungeon, get rare items.
Save and load system for multiple characters with modular equipment
Instantiate item from scriptable objects on scene load.
Untitled Music Game
Status: Unreleased
An unreleased rhythm-action-adventure combat-platformer. Traverse a magical musical landscape that sways and bobs to the music.
Modular music system that blends riffs into the music on the fly and controls the environment, traps and enemies.
Enemy attack patterns based on musical patterns - knights will swipe at you in time with riffs, while hammerbirbs will strike in time with the kick or the snare.
Utilisies the Koreographer plugin from Sonic Bloom to drive Unity events.
The Lightshield Report
Status: Available on itch.io
A narrative-driven detective game based around interviewing suspects and uncovering clues. All assets and game design created in approximately 35 hours as part of The Case of the Thinky Game Jam 2023.
Branching dialogue
Narrative paths unlocked based on previously acquired information
Uses Yarn Spinner plugin to drive dialogue system and some state management.
The Flight of the Oriole
Status: Unreleased
Slight refinement of principles developed in the Lightshield Report. Murder on the Orient Express, but with wizards and that.
Save system for dialogue paths chosen by player
Voiced dialogue trees